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  • HDN Academy

Vidéo portrait de… Bastien RIP-BOTHA

Cédric : Eh bien bonjour à tous, encore une petite vidéo un peu spéciale dans la présentation de nos académiciens. Aujourd'hui nous allons faire cette vidéo en anglais puisque le jeune joueur qui va se présenter à vous est australien. Let's introduce you !

Bastien : I'am Bastien, i come from Perth Australia and i've been here for about 9 month.

Cédric : Okay. Can you tell us how do you know the HDN Academy and what make you come here in France to practice ?

Bastien : My parents did a lot of research, back in australia and we found that the HDN Academy best suit our schedule and the weather is a plus

Cédric : definitly the weather is a plus, beacause the south of France. So you have the sun. Alright, can you also give a few more informations about your day organisation in the academy, how you practice, maybe some words about your coach Antoine ?

Bastien : I train with Antoine Pourin, he's my head coach, i usually train with him twice a day and once with Bernard, the physical trainer and i do that every day during the week.

Cédric : Hard work ?

Bastien : oh yes !

Cédric : Ok, and let me know a little bit more about your objectives, you come in this academy for a year of tennis, a second one next years, what about your objectives, how do you see you in the futur ? What do you want to do ?

Bastien : initially i came here to try to become professional and i think that i'm still attracted to do that, so i'm still working towards.

Cédric : You want to join the tour and be a professional player. So it needs a lot of work, very hard work, so you have to know that beacause its not an easy way. We are going to try to keep your hand to moove on that direction. Thaks you very much Bastien.

Bastien : Thanks you too !

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